Call Center Confidence with Cutter & Catt

Running a call center is tough. Leading a sales team is a challenge. And there is the fun of having a call center sales team. In each episode, Jason Cutter and Oliver Catt will cover ...more

About the Show

Running a call center is tough. Leading a sales team is a challenge. And there is the fun of having a call center sales team. In each episode, Jason Cutter and Oliver Catt will cover topics that are a part of running a call center sales operation, and provide you how to’s, ideas, and new perspectives on how to create success with your team.

The show is a replay of the Call Center Confidence with Cutter & Catt weekly live broadcast. So in each episode, you will hear them go through an agenda/topic…or not…depending on what happens. It is raw, unscripted, sometimes funny, sometimes awkward, with comments and questions that come up from viewers during the event.

To find out more about the show, live broadcast (which is every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/10 am PST/6 pm GMT), join the email list, and/or sign up to get reminders about each live broadcast – go to